IRMC 2024 Milan, Italy June 24-25, 2024

IRMC 2017

IRMC 2017

Keynote Speech: EDWARD I. ALTMAN, NYU Stern Salomon Centre and IRMC Permanent Chairman

IRMC 2017

Keynote Speech: SANTIAGO CARBO-VALVERDE, Bangor Business School

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – COSIMO PACCIANI, European Stability Mechanism

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – Q&A, moderator: COSIMO PACCIANI

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – GIUSEPPE LUSIGNANI, Prometeia and University of Bologna

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – ALDO STANZIALE, Banca d’Italia

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – FRANCESCA CAMPOLONGO, JRC – European Commission

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – MAURO MACCARINELLI, Intesa Sanpaolo

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – MICHEL DACOROGNA

IRMC 2017

Practitioners’ Workshop on Financial Markets and Institutions – MARIO NAVA, European Commission